Missouri Trucking Schools Directory

Finding a good truck driving school will require you to do your homework. That means you should talk with several schools to find out exactly what they have to offer you. What type of questions should you ask? Some examples include: How many students will be in your class? Will you be able to drive a truck during the course and how much driving time will you get? Will you have your CDL license after you have completed your training program or will you still need to take the test? Does the school have companies that like to hire their graduates? How much will truck driver training cost and how long will it take? How long has the school been in business? Are there any complaints against the school (also check with the BBB) and are they considered a CDL mill (talk with former driving students if possible) verse a school that gives you a really good education?
Trucking Schools in Missouri:

MTC Driver Training
Hazelwood, MO
Nu-Way Truck Driver Training Centers
4116 N. Union Blvd.
St Louis, Mo 63115
South Central Career Center
West Plains, MO
Southern Missouri Truck Driving School
Malden MO
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