Michigan Trucking Schools Directory

Being a professional truck driver is a career that can allow you to earn a nice paycheck without requiring a typical four year degree. In fact going to school and completing a training program can be done in weeks or months in many cases. To find truck driving schools in Michigan browse the list below. Keep in mind that all training programs vary and some are considered good and some are not. To help you make the best decision possible we recommend you talk with at least two or three different truck driving schools and if possible also try to speak with former students. Former students of a truck driving school may give you more honest answers about how good the program is compared to what a recruiter may tell you. Also try to contact some trucking companies nearby to see who they like to hire from. If you decide to sign up with a new trucking school make sure they are legit and not just some fly by night cdl mill.
Trucking Schools in Michigan:

Baker College of Flint
Owosso, MI
Saginaw, MI
Tri Area Driving School
7605 Midland Rd
Freeland, MI 48623
International Trucking School, Inc.
Grayling, MI
Nu-Way Truck Driver Training Centers
25 South Glenwood
Pontiac, Mi 48342

U.S. Truck Driver Training School
Detroit, MI
Fenton, MI
Marine City, MI
West Michigan C.D.L. INC.
Grandville, MI
Bay City, MI
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