Colorado Trucking Schools Directory

Colorado Truck Driving Schools

Step one prior to signing a contract for anything, including getting trained from Colorado truck driving schools, is to do your research. Make sure the school you want to attend is a real school and not a CDL mill. There are good truck driving schools in Colorado but you want to be sure you do not waste your money and time on a program that is likely to not give you much benefit. You can check with the Better Business Bureau to see if the school or its’ program has many complaints (look for a pattern, not just a few people complaining) and also see if the school will allow you to speak with former students or if they have any testimonials. Also find out if any trucking companies in your area hire from the schools are you interested in going to or ask the recruiter which companies typically hire from their program (then see if that company will talk to you). You are putting in your time and money so you want to make sure it is well spent. You should also talk with at least 2 or 3 different schools instead of just relying on what one of them tells you.
Trucking Schools in Colorado:

CDL College
14800 Smith Rd. Aurora, CO 80011
Sage Technical Services
Henderson, CO
Sage Technical Services
Grand Junction, CO

United States Truck Driving School Inc
Denver, CO
Colorado Springs, CO
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